Wavesequencer virtual instruments is the work of Paul Carter - I’m a software developer and musician with a passion for sound synthesis and music production.

I have worked in the consumer electronics industry for many years in Europe (UK, France and Germany) and Hong Kong and I am currently settled in California.

I’ve been a musician since a young age and immediately took an interest in sound synthesis as soon as I heard the synth pop bands and electronic music artists of the 80s.

Borrowing synths from school or friends and spending as much time as possible in school ‘music technology’ rooms I eventually saved enough money to buy my own synthesizer (a Korg Wavestation) which started my journey into sound design and has had a lasting influence on both my music and software projects.

My goal is to make musically inspiring synth products and music software that open up new possibilities in sound design and composition and provide all round enjoyment to both creators and listeners.